What Makes a PREFcard Perfect?

The Anatomy of a Perfect Preference Card

Mobile Friendly:
1. Important Notes:
2. Customized Note Sections:
3. Clear Names:
4. Inventory Images:
5. Inventory Numbers:
6. Prices:
7. Highlighted as Expensive:
8. Item Notes:
Shareable URL:
It’s 2020 people. Your cards need to be accessible and easy to read
on the device that every human carries with them at all times. This
also allows for easy access to make updates or double check for
For your card to be perfect, you’re going to want to have a section at the very top for the most critical
information that the staff needs to know about this procedure.
Having customizable note section are key to making your card clear and easy to follow. These note
sections should have a clear title and be short & sweet. Note types can be anything from the type of
music the surgeon likes to how the surgeon wants the patient prepped.
names and not the names the OR staff uses. This leads to confusion and errors when it matters most.
Pretty self-explanatory. By having clear images of the items (or full trays), it reduces the chance that
the wrong item is pulled for the case and/or put in the OR.
Like with the images, having the inventory number on each item makes it much less likely that there
will be a mistake made anywhere along the process of picking the case.
certainly the ability to have the price of the item on the card. This helps with clarity, but also helps drive
care when the OR staff is deciding whether to actually open an item or simply keep it available.
When you have a threshold at your facility for what constitutes an “expensive item”, it allows you to
highlight items on your cards that are worth taking extra care when handling or opening them. Less
waste and lower overall case costs.
And for bonus points, having your card available as a read-only
like Anesthesiologists.
For an example of a public version of this card, CLICK HERE.
This is critical in making sure the card is always the latest and most
up-to-date version. By having it stored in the cloud, it protects the
card from being outdated or lost entirely.
The Perfect Preference
3 More Important Features
of a Perfect Preference Card…

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